This will include:
Mode of delivery: E-mail
Time: 1-2 weeks
Fees: 18000/-
Special discounted Fees: 14000/-
(Applicable if your monthly income from all sources in less than INR One lakh)
After you decide to take this service, you are required to share your Aadhar and PAN for KYC as mandated by SEBI. A formal letter of engagement with the terms and conditions will then be mailed to you. After receiving the signed copy of the letter, my bank account details will be shared. The engagement begins after receiving 100% fee in advance and remains valid for one year. Cash payment is not accepted.
All discussions/ communication with client will be through email, audio and video calls. However, face to face meeting could also be arranged at my office.
Retainer Fee: 10000/- . After one year, if you wish to take services for further review of existing plan and plan updates.
For standalone services like review of existing mutual funds portfolio, insurance etc, the fees will be based on the extent of services.
Direct stock tips/recommendations.
Execution of financial plan.
Calculating and filing tax returns.
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